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Montaj parchet de lemn

Parchetar timisoara……. Montam parchet de lemn masiv …….. in Timisoara si imprejurimi……… montajul parchetului are…………………… Materialele pentru montajul parchetului de lemn………..

Raschetat parchet vechi

Raschetarea parchetului vechi se face cu…. Masini cu sistem de aspirare a prafului ……….. Parchetar Timisoara executa raschetarea parchetului  vechi  …………………… in Timisoara si imprejurimi ……………… Calitate garantata……………………..

Montaj parchet stratificat

Montaj parchet stratificat in Timisoara….. si imprejurimi  ………………….. Cu noi aveti garantia unui montaj de calitate. Parchetar Timisoara …. Preturi decente…………………….

Montaj parchet laminat

Parchetar Timisoara  monteaza parchet laminat…………………… Rapiditate si corectitudine ……. Garantia unui montaj …….. de parchet laminat  ………………………….. in locuinta dumneavoastra…………………………………

Montaj parchet SPC

Parchetar Timisoara monteaza parchet SPC in……………… Timisoara si imprejurimi …………………………. rapid si calitativ …………… oferind garantia unui montaj de …………………….. parchet SPC ………..

Intretinere parchet

Cum intretin parchetul Solutii speciale …. Utilaje pentru intretinere…… Care sunt perioadele de ……. La cat timp se face intretinerea…….

Montaj parchet de lemn
Raschetat parchet vechi
Montaj parchet stratificat
Montaj parchet laminat
Montaj parchet SPC
Intretinere parchet
$22$11per sq.m

Hurry! offer ends 8th may

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  • Laminate flooring
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Reviews from Our Satisfied Customers

You are professionals. Just wanted to pass on to the workman and the projects department that we are very pleased with the job that was done at our house. Many Thanks. We will recommend you to our friends.

Jessica Minola

Jessica Minola


The floor looks magnificent and the parquet in the hall sets it off beautifully. Your men were excellent. They were all very tidy workers, covering everything, and the house was left in a good shape.

Luke Parker

Luke Parker


We would highly recommend Mahogany to anyone: We have used for both buying flooring and also installing the floor. They were excellent on both counts. The technician who installed the floor was great.

Lila Estrada

Lila Estrada


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Whether you need carpet, hardwood, tile, laminate you will find it here. Our staff is here to help you design the look you want and our team of installers will add the finishing touches.

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